This blanket is the largest blanket I have ever seen. Even if I fold it in quarters it's larger than 90% of the blankets I own (and I have probably far too many, honestly).
The coziness factor is extreme. I regularly come home from a long day at the office, curl up on the couch burritoed in this blanket and, much to my boyfriend's dismay, promptly doze off.
I have run into a couple of minor problems however.
First, I'm fairly certain that this giant couch blanket has eaten my TV remote. It's been missing for days. Should my blanket decide to return it to me, steps will need to be taken to prevent this from happening.
Secondly, my cat has, on more than one occasion, fallen very ungracefully in actions directly related to the blanket. You see, when the blanket is stretched across the full width of our couch (which has foot rests on each end) the cat is suddenly unable to determine where the edge of the couch actually is. He fully believes that if there is a blanket, it should be solid enough for him to walk on.
On the plus side, I've had the blanket for a couple weeks now, and so far no one has gotten lost in it.
Overall 12/10
I will definitely be purchasing more giant blankets.
Just need a leash for my remote and a railing for the cat.